How Does eXp Realty Work - Review, is it Legit or Scam?

How Does eXp Realty Work – Review, is it Legit or Scam?

In this article, we’ll be discussing reviewing on How Does eXp Realty Work? is it legit or a Scam? What they entail, how they work, how much it costs, to join the EXP reality, and a little about its reality share program. we will also be taking you through an overview of how you make money with EXP reality.

First, we’ll take a look at an overview of what EXP reality is all about.

What Is Exp Realty All About?

Exp Realty is often regarded as a cloud-based real estate company; whose major dealings often take place within the online space. This program makes it possible for its agents to do everything within a virtual space, instead of for physical appearance in the office. However, the motivation behind this program is to create a virtual business environment, whereby the traditional expenses that are associated with a traditional ‘brick and mortar’ enterprise are been eliminated.

How Does Exp Realty Work?

This program initiates an Avatar, such that after signing up, you are assigned to one. With this, you can walk around the virtual campus, meet up with different people, and visit different departments, available on the page. This avatar also makes it possible for you, at a specific location to sit down and have meetings with your teammates.

As matter of fact, you may tend to start feeling like you are playing a video, during your time online, but the exciting part is the possibility for you to work from the comfort of your home.

It is import to note that, they make exclusive provisions for training classes and support, by this, you can always visit their information centre or welcome desk for help.

What is the Cost to Join Exp Realty? The Exp Compensation Plan

To sign up with the EXP realty, it is required that you pay some amount of money, costing a sum of $149 as a start-up fee. However, there are other additional fees, which includes the following:



$50 $35 $25 $40


However, there is a provision for a $16,000 cap after which you are entitled to earn 100% commissions, following the fact that you make a sale to the 80/20 commission split. This serves as a reminder of your anniversary year with the company.

What Is the Exp Realty Equity Program All About?

In this section of the article, we will be taking you through what EXP Reality Equity is all about and some amazing facts about it.

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·        It is important to know that you have an opportunity to become a shareholder at EXP Reality if you’re an agent.

·        Also, you are entitled to shares on your first transaction, when you fully cap and when an agent that sponsors close their first deal.

·        Again, you will be entitled to $16,000 in stock, following your achievement of certain products and cultural goals with your anniversary year.

·        To cap it all, you are also entitled to enroll into the Agent Equity program. Although, you will be charged with a 5% deduction from your commissions, however, Exp shares will be purchased at a 20% discount.

What Is the Exp Revenue Share Program All About? The 7 Tier Compensation Plan

As we proceed into the multi-level marketing (MLM) in this section of the article, we shall review the MLM companies.

While we discuss this, it is good to know that the program grant privilege for you to earn up to 3.5 % commission, following the fact that the agents whom you directly sponsor (TIER ONE) into the business, makes the sale. With regards to this, you are liable to earn $2.800 per year.

Corresponding to the TIER ONE, there is a provision that allows you to earn on a TIER TWO Level Cascading Revenue Share program, following the fact that the agents whom you directly sponsor (TIER ONE) into the business, makes a sale.
This is a tabular overview of the amount you can earn annually, from TIER ONE to TIER SEVEN:

$2,800 $3,200 $2,000 $1,200 $800 $2,000 $4,000

However, it is required that you have a significant number of agents to unlock a particular tier level.

For better understanding, you would need to have a minimum of one agent to earn commission on the Tier One level and it is required that you need to have 5 or more agents, for Tier Two Level.

This is a tabular overview of the requirements for the remaining levels:

1+ 5+ 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 40+

Your earnings depend on the more agents that you sign up for.

What May Interest You About Exp Realty:

We have been able to compile some of the things that might interest you into joining the EXP Reality, and in this section of the article, we will be taking you through these things:

·        We have been able to review their live chat feature and the outcome proves that they were prompt and professional in their answers. This made it clear that they have an efficient support system.

·        The program makes provision for exclusive education and sales training.

·        More also, as an agent, you are entitled to marketing materials, resources, scripts, and presentations that will help you with your real estate business dealings.

·        Without having to check into a physical office, this program makes it possible to work from the comfort of your home.

·        To cap it, this program made it possible to speak to an actual broker as an agent, over the phone or in person.

·        Lastly, is the provision for a revenue share and stock equity program.

What May Not Interest You About Exp Realty:

However, we have also been able to compile some of the things that may not interest you into joining the EXP Reality, and in this section of the article, we will be taking you through these things as well.

·        Following the fact that they need to verify your licence and do background checks, the application process tends to take some time, which in some cases takes them about 2 weeks.

·         There is no possibility to earn up to 100% commission until you reach the cap

·        Lastly, it may not be appealing to everyone who joins the company, considering the fact that the tier compensation plan, is strictly on recruiting.

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How Do You Make Money with Exp Realty? A Quick Summary

As we’ve promised, we will be navigating how you make money with EXP Realty, briefly, in this section of the article.

However, sources have proven that there are two main ways to earn on EXP Reality.

·        Selling homes and earning commissions as a real estate agent.

·        With regards to the compensation plan that we’ve outlined earlier on, participating in EXP Reality’s Multi-Level Marketing (or MLM) program makes it possible to earn money as you grow your downline

Now, it’s your turn to answer the question “Is Exp Realty the right business for me?”

Is Exp Realty A Scam? How to Choose the Right Business Option for You?

As we’ve promised, we will be navigating, if EXP Reality is Legit or Scam? In this section of the article, we will take you through how to choose the right business option.

Is Exp Realty a scam?

Following the fact that EXP Reality has secured an A+ rating with the BBB, even though it has been within the industry for a fair amount of time.

Is this the right business choice for you?

To approach this question, you need to think if you enjoy doing the real estate business. Have you ever pictured yourself doing the work, with dread or excitement?

And it is therefore important to note that with EXP, you are entitled to exclusive training and support, to make a difference.


There you have it, is EXP Reality Legit or Scam, how they work, privileges attached, while working with them and some amazing facts about the. With this article, we believe by now, you should have known more about EXP Reality. You can check through this blog page for more articles like this.

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